
A white, grey, reddish or colourless secondary mineral ore of potassium and magnesium - a natural hydrated double salt of potassium and magnesium; also considered as a hydrated compound of chlorides and sulphates of magnesium and potassium. Belongs to the class of "Sulphates". It is a secondary mineral due to its formation through metamorphosis in marine deposits of potassium carbonate. It can also be formed via re-sublimation from volcanic vapours.Uses: source of potassium salts and fertiliser.
Trade Names (Synonyms)
Kainit - Caenite - Cenite - Kainiet-Cainite-Caenita


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Contact Maritime Information

In order to ensure that the BIMCO cargo database contains updated information as far as possible, we welcome any feedback in the form of comments, response or current information or data regarding a specific cargo.

Email them marinfo@bimco.org

IMSBC Code webinar

BIMCO's Ai Cheng Foo presents the IMSBC Code, potential pitfalls and use.

IMSBC Code webinar

A one-hour long webinar session on the IMSBC Code, highlighting two very relevant issues for members; i.e. on “How to carry bulk cargoes safely – a shared risk?” and “ What is it – identifying cargo hazards under the IMSBC Code”.


Chartering help & advice

This section contains a comprehensive source of information and guidance on chartering related matters. You will find invaluable information on many aspects of chartering distilled from our many years’ experience on advising members.