BIMCO Search Results

Results for:standard crew management agreement

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BIMCO and CIRM propose software maintenance standard for shipping

14 December 2017

BIMCO and the international association for the marine electronics industry, CIRM (Comité International Radio-Maritime), have sent the industry’s first proposal for an industry-wide standard for software maintenance to the IMO for consideration. Without an industry-standard, BIMCO sees an increasing risk of severe incidents on ships, delays and costs to shipowners and cyber security problems.

Ballast Water Management - Beyond US Coast Guard Type Approval

15 February 2017

Rear Adm. Paul Thomas , Assistant Commandant for prevention policy, recently wrote the following article for the North American Marine Environmental Protection Association ( NAMEPA ) focused on ballast water management beyond US type-approvals.

FONASBA Sub Agency Agreement

23 May 2022

The Sub-Agency Agreement was published by FONASBA (the Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents) and approved by BIMCO in1998. It is a contract for the appointment by a general agent of a sub-agent on behalf of a liner principal. The current edition of this contract is FONASBA Sub-Agency Agreement, issued in 1998.

US heading for changes to ballast water management bill

15 November 2018

The US Senate has approved changes to the VIDA Bill (formerly known as Commercial Vessel Incidental Discharge Act, CVIDA), creating a new approach for regulating ballast water discharges from vessels while recognizing special regional situations.