dry bulk

Is your solid bulk cargo exempted from the need to have CO2 fittings on ships for sea transport?

Published: 07 July 2023

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) issues a list of solid bulk cargoes that may be carried on ships that do not have CO2 fittings, as per SOLAS regulation II-2/ The IMO has just released its latest list of these exempted cargoes. 

The IMO has issued this list in the form of a Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) circular as MSC .1/circ.1395 and whenever this list is updated by the IMO, the circular will appear as a revised circular giving it a corresponding revision number.

The list was updated at the recent MSC meeting held in late May/June 2023 in the form of MSC.1/circ.1395/Rev.6 to align with the latest amendment made to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code.

See the latest list in Cargo/Solid Bulk Cargo/ IMSBC Code circulars/ List of exempted cargoes.






Ai Cheng Foo-Nielsen


Ai Cheng Foo-Nielsen

Manager, Maritime Information

Copenhagen, Denmark