Scrubber Wash Water

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  • 1. Scrubber Wash Water

Scrubber Wash Water

Populated from ECM: {"Information":{"WashWaterAllowedWithinTerritorialWaters":"no","WashWaterAllowedWithinTerritorialWatersUpdated":"2021-03-10T00:00:00","TerritorialWatersComments":"It is not allowed to discharge scrubber wash water in territorial waters.\n\nFurthermore, ships equipped with closed loop or hybrid scrubbers shall seek prior approval from the Environmental Authority before using the scrubber in Bermuda territorial waters.","WashWaterAllowedWithinPorts":"no","WashWaterAllowedWithinPortsUpdated":"2021-03-10T00:00:00","PortsComments":"It is not allowed to discharge scrubber wash water in all ports.","Comments":"","WashWaterRegulation":"PDF","LinkList":[{"DisplayName":"Bermuda - Territorial waters","Url":"","UniqueId":"b178b0bb-db99-4ac3-b220-ddb5...


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