BIMCO Search Results

Shipmaster's Security Manual

The manual contains guidance to shipowners, masters and crew on the most pertinent security challenges facing the maritime industry today.

US to impose tough Port State Control measures on Cyber risk management

United States  requires all ships, U.S. flagged ships and foreign flagged ships that call on ports in the U.S, to ensure cyber risk management is appropriately addressed in their safety management system by the company's first annual verification of the Document of compliance after January 1, 2021. ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


Cyber security is an issue high on many companies’ agendas, especially in the wake of recent costly cyber security incidents involving large shipping companies. BIMCO has taken a lead on cyber security – by getting actively involved at the IMO and co-authoring the “Industry Guidelines on cyber secur... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO and CIRM propose software maintenance standard for shipping

BIMCO and the international association for the marine electronics industry, CIRM (Comité International Radio-Maritime), have sent the industry’s first proposal for an industry-wide standard for software maintenance to the IMO for consideration. Without an industry-standard, BIMCO sees an increasing... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Leading experts at BIMCO seminar say maritime crime increasing

Industry security experts have concluded that maritime crime will not be stopped any time soon – and that cyber incidents would continue to expand in frequency and severity. This was the consensus at BIMCO’s first ever Maritime Security Seminar in Copenhagen yesterday.