GreenTech 2024 - Decarbonisation Roadmap - International Perspectives

  • 05 June 2024
  • 07 June 2024
  • Halifax Convention Center, in Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Thomas Damsgaard

Thomas Damsgaard, Head of Americas at BIMCO, is going to participate in a panel discussion about the Decarbonisation Roadmap - International Perspectives at GreenTech 2024.

Decarbonisation stands as a paramount concern for marine transportation, not only within North America but also on a global scale. Three panellists hailing from prominent organisations on the world stage, each representing distinct segments of our industry, will provide insights into innovative strategies and significant challenges.


Antidia Citores, Surfrider Foundation Europe/Green Marine Europe


  • Thomas Damsgaard, Head of Americas - BIMCO
  • Thone Macdonald, Policy & IMO Liaison Officer - International Association of Ports and Harbors
  • Healther Wood, Head of Sustainability for North America - CMA CGM

If you join the event, make sure to catch up with Thomas.

Time: 09:00-10:00

See the event programme here.