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In NEWBUILDCON BIMCO seeks to establish a standard shipbuilding contract. The objective of developing a BIMCO Standard Shipbuilding Contract is to provide builders and buyers with a choice of contract to those currently in use. At present most buyers are obliged to rely of the shipbuilding contract produced by the shipyards. The BIMCO Contract offers the parties a modern, clearly worded, balanced and comprehensive shipbuilding contract. The parties can decide which contract will best suit their needs – the yard contract or the BIMCO contract. In its simplest form the BIMCO Contract provides both parties with an ideal checklist to ensure that whatever final agreement is reached with a yard contains the essential key provisions required in any shipbuilding contract.
This booklet includes a sample copy of the NEWBUILDCON contract and the related explanatory notes in the latest version. The explanatory notes provide some background to the thinking behind the BIMCO contract.
NOTE: this is not an editable form. If you want that, you will need to purchase our contract editor SmartCon.