User report generation function is reinstated


Following a general review, the report generator is now reinstated, allowing generation on both KPI and Ranking overview.

Please note that the below hyperlinks only work for BIMCO Shipping KPI users being logged on to the

Users can now again generate BIMCO Shipping KPI reports. The function can be found under “My Ships”.

The two reports available cover:

  1. Ranking Overview that can be assigned to Business Units and Ships for a given quarter. The report contains overview and detailed Distribution, Trend and Histogram charts for the relevant KPIs based on the user’s reported Performance Indicators. The function allows users to exclude their own ships from the calculation by a tick-box. It should be noted that the results in the reports do not consider any options set in the ranking criteria.
  2. KPI Overview that can be assigned to Business Units and Ships for a given period. The report contains charts indicating the ships performance against the KPI targets set by the user.

A new feature allows users to add their own comments to each KPI result when generating the reports.

Please also note that the Role Concept of the BIMCO Shipping KPI has been updated, making user access more flexible. As a standard, the report generation is only part of the (Predefined) Default user role, while other predefined and customised roles do not have this permission. Therefore, some account managers will have to change the chosen “User Roles” to either allow access to report generation or exclude this option from some users.

This can be setup by following these steps:

  1. Select “My Company” 
  2. Click on “User Roles” and select a predefined “Role” that includes permission to generate reports or create a new customised Role adjusted to the user that the company needs. In case either modifying or creating a new Role, please remember to save it.
  3. Click on “Users” and assign the new or adjusted “User Role” to the nominated BIMCO Shipping KPI users.

The above process can also be used for setting up permission for users’ access to the newly implemented BIMCO Shipping KPI Cost group.

For further information or assistance please use one of the following options:


Peter Lundahl Rasmussen
in Copenhagen, DK


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