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15 May 2024

BIMCO SHIP PI is a global shipping industry tool for defining, measuring and reporting information on ship performance.

24 Feb Ukraine situation – contractual implications

24 February 2022

This short guide highlights some of the key issues that may affect the obligations and rights of contracting parties following developments in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, with a focus on BIMCO clauses. In all circumstances, parties should carefully review their contractual terms for current and future fixtures and, if in any doubt, seek legal advice before acting.

Ukraine situation – contractual implications

24 February 2022

This short guide highlights some of the key issues that may affect the obligations and rights of contracting parties following developments in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, with a focus on BIMCO clauses. In all circumstances, parties should carefully review their contractual terms for current and future fixtures and, if in any doubt, seek legal advice before acting.

24 Feb Ukraine situation – contractual implications

24 February 2022

This short guide highlights some of the key issues that may affect the obligations and rights of contracting parties following developments in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, with a focus on BIMCO clauses. In all circumstances, parties should carefully review their contractual terms for current and future fixtures and, if in any doubt, seek legal advice before acting.

BIMCO SHIP PI guidance videos

15 May 2024

We have prepared the following short "how-to" videos to help you get started using the BIMCO SHIP PI platform. Each covers a specific section of the platform.

Shipowners encouraged to take part in ship generated waste survey

03 August 2020

The EU is carrying out an online survey which is relevant to all shipowners irrespective if they operate ships on EU-flag or not. The outcome of the survey will be used to establish criteria for determining that a ship produces reduced quantities of waste and manages its waste in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner. The outcome could result in reduced fees for delivering waste to a port reception facility, and BIMCO encourages all shipowners to take part in the survey.

BIMCO introduces new PIs and KPIs to help improve performance

17 September 2020

With the release of BIMCO’s Shipping KPI version 4, expected to be released by end September, new Performance Indicators (PIs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be introduced with the aim to facilitate better benchmarking of operational maintenance and first aid cases.