Five recent major changes to the BIMCO Shipping-KPI


With the newly reinstated report generator, the developers have finalised the fifth major improvement to the BIMCO Shipping-KPI.

The Shipping-KPI platform faced by users today is much different compared to only half a year ago. Recent major improvements include:

  • Launching the updated Shipping-KPI
  • Changing the benchmarking concept to ranking
  • Improved user roles
  • Adding the Cost Categories group
  • Instating the improved and adjusted report generator

Colour schemes and PI’s

The 2020 launch of the updated Shipping-KPI provided some changes to the Performance Indicators (PI’s) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). The Energy Efficiency Indexes for new (EEDI) and existing (EEXI) ships along with the mandatory Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan for all ships effectively made the emission-related PI’s and associated KPI’s redundant. Instead, the EEDI value has been added as a Ship Attribute and the new EEXI value will be added later in 2021.

The updated Shipping- KPI also provided graphical changes to the user interface – a change that goes hand in hand with the shift in the benchmarking concept from rating to ranking.

Learn more about the new Shipping-KPI interface

A race with only one company in the lead

The shift in the benchmarking concept is fundamental to Shipping-KPI. Rather than benchmarking on numbers, users are now benchmarking on percentiles. Similar to a horse race, there is only one company in the lead. This change will make it easier for users to identify how they are performing. 

Users may adjust the “My ships” user interface to show if a vessel’s performance is above the 50, 25 or 10 percentiles. While users are getting familiar with the new benchmarking concept, it is still possible to shown value targets rather than percentiles.

Read BIMCO’s press release on the new benchmarking concept

Tailored permission administration

The BIMCO Shipping-KPI is programmed to have 12 predefined user roles – each with a unique set of permissions to view and edit PIs, ship attributes and KPI targets. With the reinstatement of the report generator, this report generation permission has been enabled for the (Predefined) Default user role. This user role has permissions to edit all parameters in the company profile except the cost categories. With the new user role administration site, it is made easier to tailor permissions to individual users and create custom roles.

Learn more on how to exploit the benefits of multiple users

Cost categories open a new dimension in Shipping-KPI

Start reporting your operational costs as soon as possible. The cost categories provide the unique possibility to compare cost categories and cost items. It is of paramount importance to reach a critical mass of data as soon as possible to provide for both internal and external comparison on ships’ costs. Users can also choose only to report on the eight cost category levels (aggregated cost). Since the cost categories are not available to the default Shipping-KPI user role, make sure to provide the permissions to at least one user in the company. It will be possible to report historic data and by using spreadsheets (i.e.  comma separated values (CSV)) for data submission, which is a simple task.

Learn how to submit data using spreadsheets i.e .CSV

Taking the benchmarking results to the decision table 

Submitting all the data on the users’ fleets is worthless if the benchmarking results are not used in the decision room. If anything, the previous year has taught us to become familiar with working digitally. However, with vaccine programmes rolling out in many countries, working from home might soon be more limited. Whether sharing on screen or printing multiple copies, the BIMCO Shipping KPI reports extract the information required to make supported strategic decisions.

Learn more on how the Shipping-KPI provided a tanker owner with valuable crew insights

For more information:

Go to BIMCO Shipping KPI or please email any comments or questions to:

Johan Conrad
in Copenhagen, DK


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VPS Bunker Alerts

Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS) publish regular Bunker Alerts based entirely on fuel samples and have kindly permitted BIMCO’s Members to access this information.

The Bunker Alerts are not intended to be an evaluation of overall bunker quality in the port or area concerned, but usually highlight a specific parameter within the fuel which has raised a quality issue.


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