Our BIMCO database on local scrubber washwater regulations has been incorporated into the International Maritime Organization (IMO)'s “Future Fuels and Technology for Low - and Zero - Carbon Shipping Project (FFT Project)” website, underlining the industry's high regard for BIMCO's contributions.
The database is a collaborative initiative between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the IMO. The project's primary purpose is to support regulatory decision-making at the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
BIMCO has previously compiled and developed an extensive database on local scrubber washwater regulations. This database offers information on the restrictions, specifications, and guidelines related to scrubber washwater in different regions worldwide. The inclusion of this database into the FFT Project website will significantly enhance the project's scope and depth and reaffirms that the IMO views BIMCO's work as important and valuable for the industry.
The incorporation of BIMCO's database into FFT Project will provide users with easy access to critical information on local scrubber washwater regulations. The database's inclusion will also facilitate better understanding of regulatory landscape, supporting the outcomes of PPR 11, where BIMCO received broad support for a proposal to the IMO to develop a centralized database of local restrictions on the discharge of water from exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS), also known as Scrubbers.
The integration of BIMCO database on local scrubber washwater regulation into new website supported by IMO is significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to be the practical voice of shipping. It is testament to our commitment to providing valuable resources and support global shipping community.
We invite all our members to acquaint themselves with the new website and explore the valuable BIMCO material featured therein.