Multimodal transport documents

BIMCO has developed documents specifically addressing the intricacies of this particular kind of carriage. The aim of this type of transport document is to cover all modes of transport on an equal level. Nevertheless, it has now and then proved necessary to deal particularly with the sea leg. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, there is usually a most serious accumulation of risks on this leg such as, for instance, many hundreds of containers being carried on board one and the same ship. Secondly, maritime liability differs from all the other liability systems in transportation law insofar as nautical error and fire are accepted as excuses under certain international liability regimes, a basic fact also for the insurance cover. It is recommended to use COMBICONBILL 2016 or alternatively MULTIDOC 2016. The COMBICONBILL is based on the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules and it is submitted that preference is given to the use of this document since the MULTIDOC 2016 is based on the UNCTAD/ICC Rules which do contain a few elements that could be said to be less favourable than the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules. In line with BIMCO’s policy to recommend members to use non-negotiable documents whenever there is no specific need for a Bill of Lading, the COMBICONBILL 2016 and the MULTIDOC 2016 have als...


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Merete Lund Greisen
in Copenhagen, DK

VPS Bunker Alerts

Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS) publish regular Bunker Alerts based entirely on fuel samples and have kindly permitted BIMCO’s Members to access this information.

The Bunker Alerts are not intended to be an evaluation of overall bunker quality in the port or area concerned, but usually highlight a specific parameter within the fuel which has raised a quality issue.

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